The fallen angel
 [âñå ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ àâòîðà]

The fallen angel or a Love up to the Terrible court.

You say, that I’m the fallen angel
My poor soul trades in a sin
That in my heart there is an anger
But my self in love anyone has never seen.

You say, that the Antichrist could be my son
That the Lucifer is my old damned father
That I’ll be a reason, if people don’t see a sun
But I need to have babies from you for being a good mother.

You think, that you love another girl
Oh, how I want her to go in the hell
Believe me, she isn’t good, not at all
She keeps you, because she uses a magic gel.

You think, my beautiful sight is sinister
My bright red hair is a hellish fire
Eyes of your girlfriend burn like 2 stars
But her family is damned, because of her sire.

You say, your girlfriend is a fascination
I need you only for a joke
We should stop our conversation
My handsome, better don’t smoke!

You think, my soul won’t be faithful
I know you are afraid of my very strong passion
My devil’s love makes you a fool
I love you! Where is your compassion?

You say, where I am, there is only a misfortune
If you kiss me, you won’t be able to come off
That I’m the harbinger of an unhappy fortune
And you cry: “My lovely demon get off”!

Why don’t you see that I’m unhappy?
Now I haven’t got any power
Why don’t you see, your blessed love can help me
You don’t see teardrops, you see only a shower.

I’m always afraid of being such feeble
I need only you to be my support
I have never read before you the Bible
But only you can be for me the God.

You say that you would like to trust
But for your soul it’s a danger
And it isn’t a love, it is only a lust
Because I’m nevertheless the fallen angel.

You know I wanted to have with you an earthly paradise
But you say me that I should go away
If you want, I’ll leave you, my nice
So I’ll do that today.

One day, my dear, you will die
And after that you will be mine
Up to the Terrible court
Believe me, that time won’t be short
From the Lucifer – a big hi, I never told you a lie.
Come off - îòîðâàòüñÿ
Soul – äóøà
To trade – ïðîìûøëÿòü
Sin – ãðåõ
Anger – ãíåâ
Faithful - âåðíûé
Passion - ñòðàñòü
Compassion - ìèëîñåðäèå
Sinister - çëîâåùèé
Sire - ïðåäîê
Misfortune – áåäà (ðåëèã.)
Harbinger - ïðåäâåñòíèê
Fascination - ïðåëåñòü
Handsome - êðàñèâûé
Court - ñóä
Blessed – áëàãîñëîâåííûé (ðåëèã.)
Lust – âîæäåëåíèå (ðåëèã.)
Feeble - ñëàáûé

Ñòðàíèöà àâòîðà: www.stihija.ru/author/?katrina

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